Cosmetology 1,600 hr program is for the student who desires more traditional practical training
Cosmetology 1,000 program is for the student who desires a modern efficient approach.
Barber cross-over is for the student to add more to his or her Cosmetology training
Barber 1,500 hr program is for the student who desires more traditional practical training for men’s grooming
Barber 1,000 program is for the student who desires a modern efficient approach.
Cosmetology cross-over is for the student to add more to his or her training Barber .
This course covers the overall subject of skin care, hair removal, make-up, and eyelashes application. As a professional you will learn how to perform all skin care , make-up artist, hair removal salon owner, salon manager, beauty product sales representative, and product demonstrator.
The Manicurists and Pedicurist course prepares you to become nail artists, or perform applications of Acrylic Nails, Nail Tip Applications, Nail Wraps, Nail repair, and knowledge of over-all health of nails.
Massage Therapy
The massage therapy program prepares students as a massage therapist and massage practitioner. The course also prepares students to pass the Califonia Massage Therapy Council (CAMTC).